Settling In
The settling in period starts on the child’s first day at the Nursery, where you will meet your key person who will make sure we have all of the relevant information needed, this may include dietary requirements, health care requirements, etc. As a parent you will be able to spend time with your child and key person to help with the transition.
During the second settling in session we will complete a baseline assessment with you that captures the developmental milestones that your child has already achieved, this is used as a starting point to make sure that we understand how to help your child continue to learn.
During the third settling in session we would hope that you may be able to leave your child playing in the room for a short period of time, this allows you to ask any extra questions that you may have and also trial how your child will manage without you in the room.
If you feel your child isn’t ready to be left after the settling in sessions we can arrange additional sessions for you.
Our Key Person
Each child is assigned a key person. Your child’s key person will be your main point of contact and your child’s special friend. They will make sure that all of your child’s needs are met and are responsible for planning opportunities for your child to learn and monitoring their outcomes. Once a term your child’s key person will meet with you to discuss the progress that has been made and together you will plan learning opportunities that you think are most relevant to your child.
A secondary key person is in place for times when your key person may not be in the nursery. The key person and secondary key person will work closely to share information so that your child’s needs continue to be met.