We are committed that children eat well and learn about food, setting foundations for their future health and well being. We encourage good behaviour and excellent table manners.
We provide tasty, nutritious and well balanced menu choices which are rotated weekly. Our in-house cook freshly prepares meals each day in our fully equipped kitchen using fresh, seasonal and healthy ingredients without the addition of salt or unnecessary sugar. Our focus is around healthy eating choices, nutrition, and oral health. Our menus are continually reviewed and we are more than happy to cater to different dietary requirements.
All our food is Halal, meat and chicken we serve is approved by HMC (Halal Monitoring Committee).
Staff are aware of and respect all allergies, medical and cultural differences in eating habits.
Food Hygiene
Hygiene and safe practices are very important to us, our Nurseries have 5 star Food Hygiene Rating
All our staff have hygiene training with certificates, this is a requirement of onboarding for all our new staff


Food Allergies
We recognise that some children may have allergies, we ensure these children are catered for to ensure they don’t feel left out or feel different from their friends.

Nut Free
We are a nut free Nursery.